Psychedelic Publications & Collaborations

Come learn about IPN at booth 951 in the Exhibition Hall!

Also, come to the IPN mixer: Students and Rising Professionals Mixer! I’ll be facilitating programming including Networking Speed-dating and Dynamic Communal Movement among other events

Check out my publication in Cell Reports:

LSD degrades hippocampal spatial representations and suppresses hippocampal-visual cortical interactions

The Intercollegiate Psychedelics Network

IPN Labs Director 2022- present

The Intercollegiate Psychedelics Network (IPN) is the premier student and youth-led psychedelic organization, where we empower, develop, and connect the next generation of students & young professionals in the psychedelic ecosystem.

We envision a just, empathetic, and connected world where psychedelics are safe, legal, and accessible. PN provides high-impact and interdisciplinary programming geared toward professional development, mentorship, and accessibility for members worldwide.

Visit the website and join!
IG: intercollegiatepsychedelics Twitter: @ipnpsychedelics

[2021-2022 Communications Director]

[2020-2021 Research & Professional Development Gill]

Psychedelic Session Talk at Cognitive Neuroscience Symposium

San Francisco, California | See talk abstracts here

Insights into hallucinogenic states: altering hippocampal-cortical coordination with LSD

Presentation at PsychedelX virtual forum 2022

Psychedemia Conference in Columbus, Ohio

LSD alterations of sleep architetcture and hippocampal activity during cortical slow wave sleep in resting rats

August 2022

Listen to a podcast with Psychedelic Grad on my research during manuscript writing.

We discuss some findings on my LSD project and dig deeper into my experiences and advice on how to get involved in both research and the psychedelic space.


Excited to be attending Meet Delic at Area15 in Las Vegas representing IPN to help cover the speakers and innovative art taking place there.

Join us and use code IPNNAUT for 20% off a ticket. Learn more here